tossing the salad

A slang-term indicating the use of one's tongue and lips to lick, suck, and penetrate one's anus for the purposes of sexual stimulation: The term originated in prisons during the late 1970's or early 1980's and was derived from the fact that salad dressing was often used to help suppress the taste. Other condiments such as grape-jelly, maple-syrup, and ketchup have also been used for this purpose as well. The expression became famous due to the statements of a prison inmate in an HBO special titled: "Prisoners of the War on Drugs", and a joke by Chris Rock based on the HBO special.
On this page, you will find 30 slang terms related to tossing the salad. Some of the top words include: mexican hicky, rim job, rim shot, shat, ansu, and 25 more.